Showing posts with label Etcetera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etcetera. Show all posts

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Thankful for a Quite Good Start of February

It is time to say goodbye to the first month of the  year! It is over now and I am gladly welcoming February. I hope January was a wonderful month to all of you. I know in some parts of the world especially those who are affected and are victims of  wars and hunger  specifically  in some parts of Africa and Asia,  life is really hard.

I was watching this German TV Program called Weltspiegel tonight. It is a very interesting program hearing some news from some parts of the globe. They featured tonight some scenes from Africa and the refugees from Syria who  are trying to escape from the conflicts that are going on in the  country.  Their lives are really very difficult. Pity to see  especially the young children who are experiencing such hardships. I hope one day, this world will be a better place to live-in and let's slowly work for it.

So far, the  so-called "love month" is starting good for me. I had a chat from my family back home and in the United States. Thanks to our modern technology and communication where I can have contacts with them for free.  I am happy to talk with them again.

I am also very happy because my sister sent me some pictures of the current project in my home country. The building  of another home  inspires me more to strive and work hard. I hope one day, I can  go home for good and have a good life. lolz!

Today was quite a busy day but I am very happy to accomplish  little things at home. From doing the laundry, to cooking and organizing some things,  these are little things but it makes me happy accomplishing them.

I guess, that is all for now. I am slowly off to bed. Tomorrow will be a start of another working day. Lastly, I want to thanks my sisters from the US for all of the support for this home project.

Cheers to us all and may this month be a great one to us all,  coupled with love, peace, good health, happiness and more blessings.  Take care everyone!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Busy Sunday Doing Home Chores

Hello February! The love month is finally here! I just hope that you did had a wonderful month of January. So far, everything went great for me and I believed for my whole family as well. I am quite happy and contented with what I had accomplished last month. I might be little things only but for me those were already great ones. Besides, I learned to be contented with small things. We sometimes disregards little things but these are the things that are really important and make us truly happy. Well probably because, I only have shallow happiness.

Today is Sunday, the second day of February. Nature woke me up at 8:00 in the morning. I usually wake up at around 9 especially during weekends. Since I need to do some personal necessity this morning, I was forced to wake up to go to the bathroom. I did not went back to bed anymore and decided to take my tea time. While eating two toasted bread with butter and marmalade on it, I was also listening to the radio. There were  good songs played  that morning especially from Adele and Bastille.

After taking my light breakfast, I did the laundry. Now, it is done but still need to be folded. I was also dusting my ceramic and porcelain collections from Italy and Poland. The vitrine or glass cabinet was also cleaned. I can't imagined the dirt and dust with all of these stuffs. I am glad that I already started the ones in the dining room.

After that, I started cooking for lunch. I only cooked scrambled eggs with onion and tomato. I also had some bacon and German sausages. Since there were rice left-over, I did fried it and had a delicious fried rice with Paela powder.

This afternoon, I already started my online tasks including  blog hopping and updating some blogs as well. It is almost dinner time now. I need to prepare for dinner before DH comes.

Probably, this evening I will be watching  my favorite TV channel, the Welt Spiegel or World Mirror. It is actually a news reportage from around the world.

I guess that is all for now. I have to sign-off for awhile and prepare  our dinner. I wish everyone a great month of February, full of love, contentment, happiness and blessings!

Take care everyone!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

So Many Things to Learn

Wow, here we are in the second week of the first BER month. When I say BER months, I mean September, October, November and December.  I hope you are having a wonderful start of September! I believed I am,  and hoping for the rest of the year  and all the years to come to be a great one.

So as  the title of my post here which says that there are so many things to learn in life. I agree that everyday is a process of learning and I am always happy to learn  new  things.

More on that, I wish I cam learn more about computer and things in the internet. I want to learn more the many facets in  blogging, like web hosting and related topics to it. I am always thankful to some good friends who are always helping me. Truly appreciate it.

There are just a lot of things to  learn in this life.   Sometimes, we also commit mistakes and I am always trying my best to learn from it.

I just wish that I can  learn more about blogging and its many facets. I simply love to blog and share my experiences of various kinds.

I wish you all a happy Sunday and enjoy the rest of the month!

Peace in this world!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Tuesday!

It seems that a day is not enough  for me. Imagine, I am jobless but always have tasks and jobs all the time. I do most of the household chores from cooking to laundry, gardening, folding clothes, partly cleaning, grocery shopping, running errands, etcetera! I have to accept this  fact and I am happy about it.

Some people might say that they always get bored but not me. I always find things to do especially when I am at home. Today, I did some grocery shopping and ran errands too. I need to drive arounds 15 minutes to go to the next town to do grocery  shopping. This is the advantage of having a driver's license, if not I can't really do it.  My driver's license  cost  a lot of money but it is all paid up now. I am thankful that I got one.

After going to the bank to pay some bills and printed the bank account statement, I also have some paper and documents  xerox copied. I needed  it to submit to our health insurance company. I went to two grocery shops to buy all the things we needed  for the week. Sometimes, I go to the next town  twice a week to go grocery shopping and other stuffs  I forgot to buy.
It was around 1:00 PM when my stomach complained and asked to be feed. I landed in Mc Donald because it is located near the grocery store. I am trying to going to  fastfood chains like Mcdonald but sometimes, when it is needed, I go there. I only order most of the time a snack wrap and apple pie. When I am about to get another cup of coke light, I spotted a bag on one of the table. I always take a look on it, waiting for the owner. After some minutes, I saw a woman running inside the McDonald building and I can see in her face that she was so happy after seeing her bag. I believed she is the right owner and I am happy for her to have her bag again.

I also checked my lottery numbers but sad to say, it did not made it to the winners...sigh! At least I am trying my luck once in a while.

After all the errands and tasks I did today, I am quite happy and contented about it. I always makes me feel good when I accomplished some things during the day and night. Goodnight for now and have a nice week!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Etcetera!

We are entering again another week of the month. It seems that July is almost ending. I am not in a hurry  but it seems that times truly pass-by so quickly now.

I hope you are having a wonderful Monday! I  am glad  inspite of being busy the whole day today. I  am trying to do some clean-up. I made a mess around the house and I must clean it too. I am not done yet and hope to finish everything before my big day! yay!

Black Women are also Beautiful!

“Sponsored post. All opinions are mine.” I can't imagine that weekend is almost ending! And yes, it is the last weekend of the Janu...