You probably got a message from one of your friend saying you'd been filmed and there's a web link that you tried opening but can't get through. Well, by doing that you're not only posting an automatic message to some of your friends but risking your computer for potential virus too....
simply make a positive difference!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
You probably got a message from one of your friend saying you'd been filmed and there's a web link that you tried opening but can't get through. Well, by doing that you're not only posting an automatic message to some of your friends but risking your computer for potential virus too....
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The worst computer viruses of all time
Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:11PM EDT
If you haven't experienced a computer virus yet, just wait -- you probably will.
Fortunately, you missed the real heyday of computer viruses when anti-virus software wasn't very widely used, and virus attacks caused millions of dollars in damages overnight. Today's viruses can still be nightmarish, but for the average user, cleanup is considerably easier than it was just a few years ago, when the only solution in many cases was reformatting your hard drive and starting from scratch (and even that didn't do the trick sometimes).
So join me on a trip down memory lane as we revisit some of the worst viruses of all time and count our blessings that our computers are still up and running despite it all. (Though, please note, "worst" is a matter of considerable debate in the security industry, as the number of infected machines and amount of financial loss is always estimated. If you think another virus was worse than these, please post it in the comments to remind us!)
The worst viruses of all time
Brain, 1986
It all started here: Brain was the first "real" virus ever discovered, back in 1986. Brain didn't really hurt your PC, but it launched the malware industry with a bang and gave bad ideas to over 100,000 virus creators for the next 2 decades.
Michelangelo, 1991
The worst MS-DOS virus ever, Michelangelo attacked the boot sector of your hard drive and any floppy drive inserted into the computer, which caused the virus to spread rapidly. After spreading quietly for months, the virus "activated" on March 6, and promptly started destroying data on tens of thousands of computers.
Melissa, 1999
Technically a worm, Melissa (named after a stripper) collapsed entire email systems by causing computers to send mountains of messages to each other. The author of the virus was eventually caught and sentenced to 20 months in prison.
This was notable for being one of the first viruses to trick users into opening a file, which in this case claimed to be a love letter sent to the recipient. In reality, the file was a VBS script that sent mountains of junk mail and deleted thousands of files. The results were terribly devastating- one estimate holds that 10 percent of all computers were affected, to a cost of $5.5 billion. It remains perhaps the worst worm of all time.
Code Red, 2001
An early "blended threat" attack, Code Red targeted Web servers instead of user machines, defacing websites and later launching denial-of-service attacks on a host of IP addresses, including those of the White House.
Nimda, 2001
Built on Code Red's attack system of finding multiple avenues into machines (email, websites, network connections, and others), Nimda infected both Web servers and user machines. It found paths into computers so effectively that, 22 minutes after it was released, it became the Internet's most widespread virus at the time.
Klez, 2001
An email virus, Klez pioneered spoofing the "From" field in email messages it sent, making it impossible to tell if Bill Gates did or did not really send you that information about getting free money.
Slammer, 2003
Another fast spreader, this worm infected about 75,000 systems in just 10 minutes, slowing the Internet to a crawl (much like Code Red) and shutting down thousands of websites.
MyDoom, 2004
Notable as the fastest-spreading email virus of all time, MyDoom infected computers so they would, in turn, send even more junk mail. In a strange twist, MyDoom was also used to attack the website of SCO Group, a very unpopular company that was suing other companies over its code being used in Linux distributions.
Storm, 2007
The worst recent virus, Storm spread via email spam with a fake attachment and ultimately infected up to 10 million computers, causing them to join its zombie botnet.
Thanks to Symantec for helping to compile this list.
source: yahoo tech news
Monday, March 10, 2008
Pop-ups Finally Resolved!!Bloggers pls Read!! Important
I am just sharing this so you might be aware that when this happened to you, your computer will freeze because it was already attacked by please check it out..let's just help each other!!..the scary thing is that you might lost your blogs in seconds where you put much hard work!!! The evil might even access your computer and email address which is really very scary and horrible!!!
1. As I opened the first time my computer last Saturday, I wonder it is not the same anymore. I lost some settings on it.
2. As I opened my blogger account, I was terribly shocked because it was redirected to a pop-up advertisements.
3. The screen was totally covered by pop-ups which made the processing very very slow. Sometimes the computer even got frozen and don't processed anymore.
4. As per infos and help of some other friends blogger twinks, Jojo,
and dashing smiles, I was able to resolved it.
Please do the following recommended steps, like what I also did to my blogs!!
1. Immediately remove your 3rd party widgets like feedjit, rankwidget and country counter or neocounter as the hacker hacked these sites so they can come to our blogs.
2. Run immediately your anti virus program to eliminate the so called Trojan virus like what had friend Twinks said.. I also have a Symantec Norton anti-virus..thanks God I found no viruses....I also have a Fire Fox browser which is proven to be one of the best browser.. I already run my anti-virus twice to make it sure. hopefully will run it again tomorrow.
3. also check your documents/computer settings, as I also lost some settings in my computer.
4. I also made a back-up of my my files coz I don't want to lose my blogs as I already made a lot of hard work for these..
For more info you can also visit the blogs of twinks, Jojo, , to give you more infos as I am also not a computer expert but I am happy that I was able to resolved it...I hope it's not coming again!!! Let's just help each other for a common purpose..
I just hope and pray that this so called hackers will realize how much hard work we made for our blogs..and they just let pop-ups there so they can earn money..
Please fellow bloggers do something now for your blogs before it is too late...
Sorry to say, I might not make visits as often anymore this week because of these pop-ups and viruses running thru bloggers...might probably bloghopping after a week...
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Annoying Pop-ups
The hacker used the Feedjit script in his/her blog as what my sweet friend sistah Twinks said in her blog. The blog genius Carlota also told me to check my HTML codes in my blogs. But anyway, I was not able to do it besides that I just read her email response now..sorry dear friend but thanks for the info..your really a genius. Thanks a lot guys for your never ending support and infos.. really appreciated it!!..(abi pa jud nako mao ning mga kanahan nga mu-add ra sa ako linker unya di mubalos ug add nako..makalagot pud..hehehe)
And yesterday, I already removed my linker/linkmeup in my 3 blogs ; My Daily Nourishment, Euroangel Graffiti and The WorldWideWeb Addict because almost blogs there did not reciprocate by also adding mine to their blogs.
I am on the process of working on my linker here. If I found out that a lot also did not reciprocate, I might ended up removing this too..So check it out guys if you add your links here or planning to add it..Don't bother to add if you don't reciprocate!!!
If you want to be included in my normal links, just let me know and I would be happy to do so ..but please don't forget to add me too..If it happens that I forgot to add you, please just remind me again and I will try to attend to you asap!!
Lastly, I want to extend my gratitude to everyone who keeps on visiting me here..I am really happy to see your presence here..
Wish you all a very great Sunday!!!
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