Happy Holidays! It was truly a great party and celebration last night. We were invited with some other old and new friends in a gathering. It was really an amazing one. The fun especially the karaoke, dancing, singing, kidding, laughing and the joy that you can see in everybody's face are simply overwhelming! Don't forget to mention the banquet of lots of food! This is always the best part of the party. Without food, it will never be as successful when the stomach is empty. I am happy to meet especially my old friends who are always trustful and loyal.
I guess I have to start mentioning the food here which is always the most interesting part. I really can't imagine the food that were prepared last night. I guess it was good for fifty people. Actually there were only around eleven people who attended the awesome party. Ritchel and hubby prepared a big Ham, roasted turkey (already sliced when served), mashed potato, its gravy, stuffing, the yummy crabs, sweet and sour shrimps (cooked by yours truly for the first time), punch juice, pumpkin pie, bread and butter, fruit salad and fresh fruits were also served. Danna prepared spaghetti, pancit and lumpia. Of course I also cooked my favorite recipes adobo, bola-bola with tomato sauce, cassava cake, potato salad, vegetable salad and the favorite of all, my specialty I guess menudo apritada..Oooppps, don't forget the rice. Wine and beer were also served. After drinking the girls kept on dancing with the hiphop music!! such an enjoyable moments!
A short prayer was led by yours truly before the eating started. I guess everyone was confused of what food to take first. Some tried a little bit of it so that they can have rooms in their stomach for all the food. There were really a lot of left-overs that everyone had to take home with them. It was really a great party that before it ended a group picture was taken. As usual camera timer was used again. The group picture turned out to be a perfect one! It was also funny because at least four cameras were set to timer that everyone don't know exactly where to look. At least, it was still a great shot!
This Christmas celebrated with friends was really full of memories which made it unique and truly wonderful. Thanks to old and new friends who had renewed a bonding in this gathering. There might be other gathering in the future but last night was just so incredible that everyone went home contented and happy. Most of all, thanks to our Great God who helped us made this gathering a successful one. His love and goodness are truly overflowing that we were blessed with good friends around.
This year was truly full of challenges and trials. Despite of it, God's blessings and graces are just so much that we had successfully overcome everything. We keep on hoping and praying that the next years to come will be a more successful one!~ God is truly great!!
p.s. feel free to visit my other sites for more photos!!
elow Joy, daghang salamat a pag-agi sa akaong payag...ayo2 dinha...aw bibo jud kaayo..
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