I also developed some photos and made it into scrapbook and photo albums. The best part I discover now is this site about interior design and the photograph. I find it a great one besides that it is very informative. At learntodream.co.uk, I just discovered that photography can be associated with interior design. Really very interesting!!
We just built a house in the Philippines but it is still not fully furnished and still need some interior decorations and designs. If I were to ask having our home done, I would like to have the Unique Silver Finish. I just find it very pretty and attractive besides that I also love silver colour. With Silver Paper works landscapes, water scenes and black and white prints will be lively and more attractive. I believed this suites the interior design of our home because it is located near the beach. I just cannot imagine how our interior designs will look very lovely with Silver Finish.
Do you have an idea now of what I am talking about!! For more infos, I recommend you to visit learntodream.co.uk..It is just so lovely and stunning!!
Great post, stopping by to give you a tag.
hi nedekcir..thanks for d tag!!will do it asap in my EUroangel Graffiti
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