Thursday, January 3, 2008

What's in A Name?

Names today are just labels. Parents give their children strange and unique names, names that the children later don't like to be called by. Nicknames often replace the given names to avoid using those embarrassing ones given at birth! And so we have many elderly men who are still called "Boy" and elderly matrons who are called "Baby".
During Jesus' time, a name expressed the child's future task in life. Today, the Church still urges Catholic parents to give their children the name of a saint. The life of this saint can become a model for the child. The child also has one to whom he can pray.
When Zechariah was told by Gabriel that he and his wife would have a son, he was told to name him John which means "God is gracious." John was to prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah, telling them that God is gracious by sending the Savior. Mary and Joseph were also told to name their child Jesus which means "God saves." The name of Jesus contained the sole purpose for His birth: to save humankind.

The apostles first baptized and healed only in the name of Jesus. No wonder then that Jesus' name was soon considered to be holy and powerful. St. Paul wrote, "At the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father" (Philippians 2:10).

St. Ignatius of Loyola was very inspired by the name of Jesus that he named his congregation the Society of Jesus. And what great things the Jesuits have done and are still doing for the Church. We know that Pope John Paul II often uttered the phrase, "Praise be Jesus Christ!"

T h e "J e s u s Prayer" from the Eastern churches is a prayer where Jesus' name is uttered slowly while inhaling and exhaling. This prayer calms and unites us with our Savior.
We could be stronger in our spiritual life if we rely on the power of Jesus' name. Fr. Rudy Horst

Reflection Question:
Do I have the habit of using the name of Jesus in vain? Why do I not use the powerful name of Jesus more often as a prayer?

Praised be Jesus Christ! May we who honor the holy name of Jesus enjoy His friendship in this life and be filled with eternal joy in His kingdom. Jesus, I trust in You!

St. Genevieve, virgin, pray for us.

adapted from Kyregma

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