Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I have a small notebook where I usually wrote quotes and sayings that I like. Everytime I read a good one, I write it down immediately. As I was looking for some nice sayings, I was able to find a poem that I wrote four years ago. This was the time, that I was still in the Philippines and was waiting for my visa going to Germany. I even don't have a title for it. I love writing poems too and making quotes of my own. I want to share it with you now. This is dedicated to my one and only understanding, supportive and ever-loving best friend, my beloved it is!!! Now I am giving below it's title.


Kind gentleman, that's who you are.
Who always listen when I'm despair,
Who is always there in time of sorrow and laughter..
And I thanked God for being there.

Loving you is all that I wanted.
With all my heart, soul and mind
You're all that I loved and even trusted,
Hope it will last and we'll never be apart.

After sometimes of waiting too long.
I know we will be together..
Spending and sharing life forever..
I'm sure you're my beloved one and dear.

Unusual things happened since I met you.
You paint my world and give color too..
You're the song that I sing..
I know and feel you're my everything.

So now I'm missing you.
Sometimes I don't know what to do..
But I know and believe that someday..
Only God will make for us the way.

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