Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Christmas Decor Tips and Ideas

Decorating for the holidays has become far more elaborate than it used to be. No longer are colorful lights enough to help people get into the Christmas spirit. While people are going bigger and better with their Christmas decorations at home, so are commercial businesses. LED lights, oversized decorations and interactive displays are quickly becoming the norm for commercial christmas decorations because they can be effective in attracting traffic and customers. Since the process of decorating a commercial building can be a challenging process, here are some tips to make the process go a bit smoother.

Know Your Restrictions

Before planning what type of decorations you want to display, it is vital to know any restrictions that may be in place on your property or in the surrounding area. If you are leasing a space or building, the landlord may have restrictions as to how elaborate a display can be. Some cities also have restrictions on the height of Christmas displays.

Know Your Audience

Ask yourself, "Who are the people you hope to attract with your decorations?" For example, if your business is in an area where there are large groups of people who celebrate holidays other than Christmas such as Chanukah or Kwanza, think about what appeals to them. If your business caters to families with young kids, think about what would most appealing.

Buy From A Reputable Source

Christmas decorations for commercial spaces have become big business over the last few years. As a result, there are lots of companies vying for your business. Do your homework to find a reputable retailer who not only provides the types of decorations you are seeking, but are also top quality. A great example is Holiday Lights & Magic, Inc. at They offer one of the largest selections of quality Christmas displays for commercial purposes as competitive prices. Their selection includes such staples as oversized ornaments, giant commercial trees, and LED lights.

Don't Go Overboard

Decorating for Christmas stops being fun or profitable when you go overboard in burdening your team, your time, and your budget. To avoid such headaches, start planning months in advance your budget and what you hope to accomplish. Holiday decorations do not have to be a burden, but can be a fun and profitable experience for your business. The key is to plan ahead to make the most of the opportunity.

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Challenge of Finding the Right Remodeling Contractor

The hardest part about doing a home remodel is not actually the remodeling work itself. Most homeowners would agree that the biggest challenge is getting a contractor who is reliable, competent, and who has a good reputation to do the job. Putting in new cabinets, removing a wall, or changing the tile in a bathroom, is child’s play when compared to finding a good contractor who can do the job well from the beginning to the end.

Unfortunately, there are enough stories out there about contractor disasters to fill up a library. Many of these revolve around contractors who started the job, but never finished it. These contractors may say that they need up to three times the amount of money they originally bid for the job in order to complete it properly.

Of course, even with the best contractor, doing a home renovation will involve stress, expense, and unwanted surprises. Yet, the right contractor can minimize the challenges involved, and increase the success of any job.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Happy and Blessed New Year 2016

Some parts of the world already celebrated their New Year and we will also do the same in over an hour now.


 "A new year is like a blank book, the pen is in your hands,
It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself,
Happy New Year 2016."

Facing another year in our lives, I wish everyone a blessed and happy New Year 2016 full of hope, love, inspiration and most especially peace in all corners of this planet to prevail!

To my family and friends near and far,  I wish you all good health always, happiness, peace of mind, contentment, more blessings to come and may all your wishes and dreams slowly coming true!

God bless us all! God bless planet Earth!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas To all!

Wishing each and everyone a lovely celebration of the holiday season! 

"Christmas is a season of great joy: a time for remembering the past and hoping for the future. May the glorious message of peace and love fill you with joy during this wonderful season."

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Step-by-Step Instructions for Installing Pre-hung Doors

If you’re building or renovating a home, installing your own doors is a great way to save a little money. Many builders and homeowners prefer pre-hung doors because they are convenient and fairly easy to install. Unlike a slab door, a pre-hung door is already attached to the frame. All you need is a rough opening to install it in, a few tools, and a little bit of know-how. Although slab doors are a little less expensive to purchase up-front, pre-hung doors can save you time and effort during the installation process. Following these steps will help ensure that you install your pre-hung doors correctly:
  1. Gather Your Tools
Pre-hung doors can be quite heavy, so you should recruit at least one other person to help you install them. Before you begin, gather up the following tools: tape measure, finish nails, shims, hammer, nail punch, utility knife, circular saw (or jigsaw), level, and screwdrivers. You may not need the circular saw, but it will come in handy if you need to trim your doorjambs. Wood putty is important to have on-hand when you are ready to hide the nail holes in your installed doors.

Friday, November 6, 2015

6 Tips for Making Your Construction Site Safer

Working as a construction worker is almost similar to being a superhero. Each day you are entrusted with the responsibility of bearing heavy loads and using expensive equipment. Squatting on scaffolds and riding in cranes puts you so high up in the sky that you have the feeling you are flying. What makes your job extraordinary and enjoyable can also put a lot of stress on you. If you don’t take care, you can incur injuries while working. Here are some safety tips to follow to avoid common injury and stress on the construction site.

1. Lift objects properly

As a construction worker, backaches are your primary enemy. It is easy to get injuries while carrying heavy loads, but you can avoid this hazard altogether. Always bend your knees so that you don’t twist to the side while lifting. For a better balance, put one foot in front of the other.

2. Use ergonomic portable and high-powered tools

Tools are meant to make your work simpler. You may not realize it, but frequent use of poorly designed tools can make you develop conditions such as trigger finger, white finger, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tendonitis. Even powered tools can make you develop serious problems due to their excessive noise and high vibration. Thus, as an employer or supervisor, ensure the tools you select for your workers have a long trigger and low vibration levels. For the hand tools, safety coordinators or employers must select those that require less force and don’t put a strain on the hand when held tight. The hand tools must also be balanced, and not conduct electricity or heat.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Laying It Down: Wood Floors

If it seems as if installing hardwood floors is something that should be left to the pros, you might be right. If you want to include complicated angles or a herringbone pattern, hiring installers could be your best bet. However, if you are doing a straightforward layout with interlocking planks, perhaps you could conquer the task yourself. Here’s everything you need to know before you get started on the project.

Gone are the days of the narrow oak plants you used to see in turn-of-the-century homes. These days, wider planks and larger pieces of wood in general are the norm. Fewer seams in a living space make the room seem bigger, it seems, so that’s the way manufacturers are leaning. Another trend in natural wood floors is unfinished planks; that is, wood that is sanded and waxed but not shined to the high gloss of finished floors. Even painted planks or unusual wood colors such as grey have risen in popularity in recent years.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

You Are Qualified for the Job

Hey folks! I am  back in the blogosphere. My recent travels  are over now. I  am actually back to work for over a week. I guess, I am still having a jetlag and at the moment I am not really feeling good with some colds and cough. I am quite tired right now but let me give you a quick update before I sign-off to dreamland.

Last August, I submitted an application for another job. This is quite a better job than what I am doing right now. I know and I believed I can do it since it is quite related to my degree and work experiences. As a banker and with a degree of  Bachelor of Science in Commerce majoring in Accounting, this job is really so easy compared to what I do before at the bank being a Branch Operation Assistant, in which I served as an Accountant at the branch I worked before.

Yesterday, I actually received  a letter saying that I am qualified for the job. This morning, I received  a call for an interview tomorrow. I hope and  pray that I will  get this God's help me Lord!

I am slowly off to bed now. I hope I feel better tomorrow  especially for the job interview.

Take care folks and until then.

Black Women are also Beautiful!

“Sponsored post. All opinions are mine.” I can't imagine that weekend is almost ending! And yes, it is the last weekend of the Janu...