Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Season is also the Start of Grill Season

Happy Monday everyone! Thanks goodness, the weather is slowly getting friendlier! During Easter week  especially during  Easter  weekend, it was still snowing. I am glad  starting this week, the weather really gets better. I can already go outside without wearing a thick winter jacket and snow boots.  Yesterday, I was even wearing a t'shirt outside  while planting some flowers at  the backyard.

Barbequing at the backyard is indeed fun.  Spring season is the perfect time to start it!
Indeed, spring Season is  here and it is also the  start of Grill season! It was a good decision buying some meats and vegetables for grilling when I went grocery shopping last Thursday. I bought some German sausages called bratwurst and some chicken and pork meat that were already marinated. I was really hoping for  a better weather last weekend and so thankful that it  really was  a nice  one.

The backyard is a perfect place for doing a barbeque or some grilling. It is not so small and not so big. Some spring flowers especially the tulips and hyacinths are flowering right now. Others are still growing. Thanks to my BFF who was a great grill master.  I did had yummy and sumptuous grilled foods yesterday.

For now, just enjoy  the yummy photo I got here. You can also fine some spring flowers in my garden at the image. Have  a lovely week to all! I am slowly hitting my sack! Goodnight.....until then...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Get the Parts You Need for Your Side by Side

If you have entered the world of side by side vehicles, you know what a blast they can be. They can take on the rough terrain, carry you anywhere you want to go, and you can enjoy the ride with someone by your side. Many ATV enthusiasts are jumping to UTVs because they are more versatile and a safer way to go when you want to travel with a friend or partner. Just like any piece of equipment, you are going to need to take care of it. That means regular maintenance. Find Honda Big Red Parts and more when you shop at

Keep Your Ride in Top Form
No matter what kind of side by side you own, whether you are a Polaris Fan, like an Arctic Cat, or go for the Honda, you'll find a comprehensive listing of parts at When you need to work on your drive train, your steering needs attention, or you want to tweak your electronics, you have come to the right place. is your definitive source for all things related to your UTV.

Put Your Personal Stamp on Your UTV 
When you own a side by side, you want to personalize it and make it stand apart from all the rest. Think of a cab enclosure when you want to use your side by side in all types of weather, adding a heater for comfort. A winch and bumpers will give you more versatility on the trails. Amp up your wheels and tires when you want to take on more aggressive conditions. Windshields and roofs can complete the package. When you want to make your side by side a year-round vehicle, a ski and track system will allow you to take your UTV out in the snow. It's your ride. Let help you to make it complete.

Spice Up Your Ride 
When you're not looking for repairs or maintenance, is the place to be to accessorize. Find all the extras, from doors to skid plates and audio systems. The next time that you meet up with the crew for a ride, you will be ready. Your ride will have all of the extras that can enhance performance. Enjoy your UTV even more when you give it a little, extra help from

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring Time is Gardening Time

Hey folks! How are things going on in there! I just look at the calendar and it seems that the month of March is almost over.  Yes, three more days to go and I am ready to face another month of the year. I can't wait for the weather to really be nice and friendly.  Today was  a gloomy and rainy weather.  It was raining the entire day and outside is  still  cold.  This is typical spring weather since Mother Nature needs rain and more rain.

I can't  wait to see these tulips in my garden again.
Since it is spring season now, I can't wait to hit the garden again and do some clean-up and gardening. Some flowers are  already blooming  in our garden especially the crocus.  The tulips are slowly growing too. In two or three weeks, I believed they will be in full bloom.

Lovely tulips from last year's spring.

Spring  is one of my favorite seasons of the year.  This season refers to the ideas of rebirth, resurrection and  regrowth.  This is the time to see lives and nature growing again. The plants and the trees start to bear flowers, leaves and branches. It is simply a season to rejoice for a new life and beginnings.

I can't wait  to see more flowers and green environment so soon again. This is the reason why  I so love spring  season. Most of all spring time is gardening time!

I wish everyone a wonderful spring season! Cheers and take care everyone!

Monday, March 2, 2015

A Dust-Free Home

Cleaning the home and keeping it clean doesn’t have to be difficult. However, one of the most troublesome aspects of housecleaning is the dust that collects and clings everywhere. Nothing else is as troublesome as dust. Virtually everything else can be kept clean with minimal effort. Smooth surfaces stay virtually streak-free and other surfaces don’t become dirty unless they’re directly contaminated in some way. However, dust collects constantly as it is perpetually floating through the air. This is especially true for people who live in the desert. There are some ways to keep the home more dust-free and make cleaning easier to manage.

Knick-knacks and collectible items can attract a lot of dust. Instead of displaying them out in the open, it’s wise to place them inside of a collectible display case. Dust has a way of getting into all of the nooks and crannies. When people are cleaning off their items, they can miss this dust that has collected. This can potentially ruin collectible items. Placing them in a display case is an excellent way to keep them dust-free, but it also helps to showcase the brilliance of each item. Items that are kept in a display case have a way of reflecting light.

While screens cant indefinitely keep out dust, they can greatly prohibit a lot of it from entering the home. Place screens over the windows, and it’s wise to install screen doors on the outside of the home’s doors. It helps to wet each of the screens before the windows and doors are open. The dust is more likely to cling to the screens than enter the home.

Keeping a lush garden may be difficult, and it can take time to grow several plants. However, an outdoor garden helps to keep dust at a minimum. The roots of a plant helps to hold down the soil. There is dust in the air, but it can spring up from the ground when the wind catches it. Waiting for the grass and other vegetation to grow takes time. Ground covering takes very little time to grow, and it grows like weeds, which means that maintenance is minimal. This will help keep dust out of the home.

There are other ways to keep dust out of the home. Invest in a strong vacuum cleaner, and use water where possible to clean up items. Enjoy a more dust-free home.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Home Project Continues this March

slowly building a second home.
Goodbye February!  Hello March! I was not so feeling good when I woke-up this morning. I was having a headache and  good to know I am feeling very better now. I am not really a coffee drinker but I decided to drink a very strong coffee to ease the  pain in my head. I believed, caffeine really helps in getting rid of headache. I already tried it a lot of times and it works.

Just an hour ago, I was chatting with my family back home. The chat was especially about the home project that is going on in my home country. I guess, I am already slowly getting ready for my come back. Not really now, but in the years to come..when things get better and I already have the resources I need to be backed home for good.

The home project started last year in November. This is quite a big project. The construction of  another house was put into reality. Last year in summer, already I started working. I told myself, I want to build another  home near the city and with the salary I get, I want to see something from it.   This home project is not in a hurry. Hopefully in 3-5 years,  the house will be finished.

Thanks to the decision of buying a lot near Cebu City.   During that time, the price of the land was still  affordable. As of now, the location of the property is  getting more expensive because there are already a lot of houses, apartments and subdivision in the area.

Thanks to the trusted brother who is managing the construction. Without him, this will never be possible. Thanks also to the siblings from the USA, who are also helping especially with the finances.

Hopefully in the next vacation in the Philippines, we don't need anymore  to stay in a hotel in Cebu City.  This home project  might be partially finished. I hope, it  is  done when we go there for another holiday.

This time, I have to avoid shopping to invest more for this realty project. By doing it, I can have something for the future especially when I go home for good.

Cheers and I wish everyone a fruitful and wonderful month of March. God bless us all!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Tabletop Trees Make Great Decor

People in many apartments and smaller homes have seen the value of using tabletop trees. Although most commonly associated with Christmas decor, these tabletop trees are also a great choice for other holidays and occasions. If you've never used one of these smaller trees, you'll have some healthy inspiration from these ideas.

Many people enjoy decorating for Valentine's Day. Balsam Hill reviews are quite helpful for helping determine how suitable tabletop trees are for decorating uses. It's easy to decorate a small tree for Valentine's Day using some combination of white and either pink or red. Use smart hearts that you've crafted yourself, and consider some tinsel for extra flair.

An old custom that many German and German-American families follow is hanging decorative eggs on their bushes and tree branches at Easter. For families that prefer to decorate indoors for this occasion, tabletop trees are a good solution. If you wish, you might prefer to use some small strings of white lights to add further to the look.

In recent years, many have gotten very creative about using decorations for patriotic holidays, particularly the Fourth of July. Festive red, white and blue ornaments, combined with silver tinsel, will make a fun statement when you have guests over for the holiday. In the place of the buntings used in outdoor settings, try some red, white and blue ribbons.

Halloween has quickly become a holiday that rivals Christmas in terms of decorating. Many now decorate for Halloween as much as they do for Christmas if not more so. Find or make ornaments featuring black cats, ghosts, pumpkins and more fun Halloween figures. You might start a new Halloween decorating trend among your family.

Some people use two trees at Christmas, in observance of a popular old custom. A Jesse Tree, very popular with many families with children, uses ornaments based on popular Biblical stories throughout the season of Advent. Depending on family preference, the Jesse Tree might serve as a Christmas tree once all the ornaments are on, or it might be a separate, smaller tree. Tabletop trees are a great choice when families prefer the latter option.

Photo by: Balsam Hill.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Did Some Organizing at Home

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! No time to go  out during Valentine's Day.  We would love to go out  for lunch or dinner but  I realized that I cooked a lot of foods the other day  so we decided to stay at home.  I don't really want to throw foods away especially when they are  still eatable.  I know millions of people don't have food to eat and I just don't want to waste food. Thanks goodness, most of it   are already eaten today. Whose on diet anyway? lolz! So tomorrow, will be the extension of Valentine's day, to go and dine-out somewhere out there.

Besides, I don't really feel good today so it was a good choice to stay at home. I ended up doing some  clean-up and organizing at home.  I also did three laundries and I am glad that the dirty  clothes and bedding were  finally washed.

Hopefully, this spring time, I can do some more organizing at home. I  need some shelves for my books and other stuffs  in my computer or little  working room. I also sorted-out some papers today. Those that are not needed and are too old paper works  were also thrown out.   This working room also needs a new look.

Since I started working, many things were already left undone. I am trying my best to organize this little home and  I wish I have more time to do it. Oh well, who is checking anyway?  I am the boss here! haha!

Ok guys, I am slowly off to dreamland now. I hope you are  having a wonderful celebration  of Valentine's Day! Cheers and happy weekend too!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Essentials of Rug Cleaning

Area rugs have a lot of uses. They can fill an empty space, define an area, protects large carpets and much more. They often receive more traffic than other carpets and may receive more spills. Area rugs come in all shapes and sizes and are made from many different fabrics. When you look for a rug cleaner, make sure they know how to clean each kind of rug.

Wool Rugs
Persian and oriental rugs are special wool rugs that have brilliant designs woven into the rug. They brighten any corner and add elegance to the room. Wool area rugs are also available with modern designs and colors. All wool rugs need special handling and should be cleaned by a professional. Persian and oriental rugs need to be vacuumed first on both sides with a special tool so as not to create fuzz. No harsh alkaline cleaner should be used because it can damage wool. Professionals use environmentally-friendly products that don’t leave any toxic fumes to pollute your indoor air quality.

Silk Rugs
Silk rugs are very delicate and require a different method of cleaning from wool, cotton or synthetic. Silk fibers are very resilient, but they stain easily. They may also fade in high traffic areas. Abrasive cleaning will also damage the rug beyond repair. Before selecting a cleaning process, a professional cleaner will analyze your rug to determine if it is pure silk or a silk blend. Sometimes silk is blended with cotton or synthetic fiber.

Synthetic Rugs

Rugs made with synthetic fiber or a blend of synthetic fiber and a natural fiber such as wool, silk or cotton usually come with instructions for cleaning. In some cases, if they are small enough, they can be washed in a washing machine and air dried. If the rug is a blend or large, it should be cleaned by a professional who uses non-toxic cleaners. Professionals will know how to clean a blended rug so it looks like new.

Many people believe that a regular vacuuming keeps their carpets clean. However, dust mites, pet dander and other allergens sink deep into the carpet and cannot be removed with a vacuum cleaning and cannot be seen. If you have a doubt that your area rug is clean, you can pick up one corner and kick it from behind. If a small spray of dust or dirt jumps out on the other side, it is time to clean your rug.

Black Women are also Beautiful!

“Sponsored post. All opinions are mine.” I can't imagine that weekend is almost ending! And yes, it is the last weekend of the Janu...