Sunday, February 22, 2015

Tabletop Trees Make Great Decor

People in many apartments and smaller homes have seen the value of using tabletop trees. Although most commonly associated with Christmas decor, these tabletop trees are also a great choice for other holidays and occasions. If you've never used one of these smaller trees, you'll have some healthy inspiration from these ideas.

Many people enjoy decorating for Valentine's Day. Balsam Hill reviews are quite helpful for helping determine how suitable tabletop trees are for decorating uses. It's easy to decorate a small tree for Valentine's Day using some combination of white and either pink or red. Use smart hearts that you've crafted yourself, and consider some tinsel for extra flair.

An old custom that many German and German-American families follow is hanging decorative eggs on their bushes and tree branches at Easter. For families that prefer to decorate indoors for this occasion, tabletop trees are a good solution. If you wish, you might prefer to use some small strings of white lights to add further to the look.

In recent years, many have gotten very creative about using decorations for patriotic holidays, particularly the Fourth of July. Festive red, white and blue ornaments, combined with silver tinsel, will make a fun statement when you have guests over for the holiday. In the place of the buntings used in outdoor settings, try some red, white and blue ribbons.

Halloween has quickly become a holiday that rivals Christmas in terms of decorating. Many now decorate for Halloween as much as they do for Christmas if not more so. Find or make ornaments featuring black cats, ghosts, pumpkins and more fun Halloween figures. You might start a new Halloween decorating trend among your family.

Some people use two trees at Christmas, in observance of a popular old custom. A Jesse Tree, very popular with many families with children, uses ornaments based on popular Biblical stories throughout the season of Advent. Depending on family preference, the Jesse Tree might serve as a Christmas tree once all the ornaments are on, or it might be a separate, smaller tree. Tabletop trees are a great choice when families prefer the latter option.

Photo by: Balsam Hill.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Did Some Organizing at Home

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! No time to go  out during Valentine's Day.  We would love to go out  for lunch or dinner but  I realized that I cooked a lot of foods the other day  so we decided to stay at home.  I don't really want to throw foods away especially when they are  still eatable.  I know millions of people don't have food to eat and I just don't want to waste food. Thanks goodness, most of it   are already eaten today. Whose on diet anyway? lolz! So tomorrow, will be the extension of Valentine's day, to go and dine-out somewhere out there.

Besides, I don't really feel good today so it was a good choice to stay at home. I ended up doing some  clean-up and organizing at home.  I also did three laundries and I am glad that the dirty  clothes and bedding were  finally washed.

Hopefully, this spring time, I can do some more organizing at home. I  need some shelves for my books and other stuffs  in my computer or little  working room. I also sorted-out some papers today. Those that are not needed and are too old paper works  were also thrown out.   This working room also needs a new look.

Since I started working, many things were already left undone. I am trying my best to organize this little home and  I wish I have more time to do it. Oh well, who is checking anyway?  I am the boss here! haha!

Ok guys, I am slowly off to dreamland now. I hope you are  having a wonderful celebration  of Valentine's Day! Cheers and happy weekend too!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Essentials of Rug Cleaning

Area rugs have a lot of uses. They can fill an empty space, define an area, protects large carpets and much more. They often receive more traffic than other carpets and may receive more spills. Area rugs come in all shapes and sizes and are made from many different fabrics. When you look for a rug cleaner, make sure they know how to clean each kind of rug.

Wool Rugs
Persian and oriental rugs are special wool rugs that have brilliant designs woven into the rug. They brighten any corner and add elegance to the room. Wool area rugs are also available with modern designs and colors. All wool rugs need special handling and should be cleaned by a professional. Persian and oriental rugs need to be vacuumed first on both sides with a special tool so as not to create fuzz. No harsh alkaline cleaner should be used because it can damage wool. Professionals use environmentally-friendly products that don’t leave any toxic fumes to pollute your indoor air quality.

Silk Rugs
Silk rugs are very delicate and require a different method of cleaning from wool, cotton or synthetic. Silk fibers are very resilient, but they stain easily. They may also fade in high traffic areas. Abrasive cleaning will also damage the rug beyond repair. Before selecting a cleaning process, a professional cleaner will analyze your rug to determine if it is pure silk or a silk blend. Sometimes silk is blended with cotton or synthetic fiber.

Synthetic Rugs

Rugs made with synthetic fiber or a blend of synthetic fiber and a natural fiber such as wool, silk or cotton usually come with instructions for cleaning. In some cases, if they are small enough, they can be washed in a washing machine and air dried. If the rug is a blend or large, it should be cleaned by a professional who uses non-toxic cleaners. Professionals will know how to clean a blended rug so it looks like new.

Many people believe that a regular vacuuming keeps their carpets clean. However, dust mites, pet dander and other allergens sink deep into the carpet and cannot be removed with a vacuum cleaning and cannot be seen. If you have a doubt that your area rug is clean, you can pick up one corner and kick it from behind. If a small spray of dust or dirt jumps out on the other side, it is time to clean your rug.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Thankful for a Quite Good Start of February

It is time to say goodbye to the first month of the  year! It is over now and I am gladly welcoming February. I hope January was a wonderful month to all of you. I know in some parts of the world especially those who are affected and are victims of  wars and hunger  specifically  in some parts of Africa and Asia,  life is really hard.

I was watching this German TV Program called Weltspiegel tonight. It is a very interesting program hearing some news from some parts of the globe. They featured tonight some scenes from Africa and the refugees from Syria who  are trying to escape from the conflicts that are going on in the  country.  Their lives are really very difficult. Pity to see  especially the young children who are experiencing such hardships. I hope one day, this world will be a better place to live-in and let's slowly work for it.

So far, the  so-called "love month" is starting good for me. I had a chat from my family back home and in the United States. Thanks to our modern technology and communication where I can have contacts with them for free.  I am happy to talk with them again.

I am also very happy because my sister sent me some pictures of the current project in my home country. The building  of another home  inspires me more to strive and work hard. I hope one day, I can  go home for good and have a good life. lolz!

Today was quite a busy day but I am very happy to accomplish  little things at home. From doing the laundry, to cooking and organizing some things,  these are little things but it makes me happy accomplishing them.

I guess, that is all for now. I am slowly off to bed. Tomorrow will be a start of another working day. Lastly, I want to thanks my sisters from the US for all of the support for this home project.

Cheers to us all and may this month be a great one to us all,  coupled with love, peace, good health, happiness and more blessings.  Take care everyone!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Keep Intruders at Bay: 5 Ways to Enhance Home Safety

Burglars are always on the prowl in search of new victims. In order for homeowners to avoid the wrath of an unwanted guest, they must take the necessary precautions. Here are five ways for residents to make their home safer.

Do not create hiding spots

In an effort to enhance their privacy, some homeowners opt to install a tall fence around the perimeter of their property. Unfortunately, dense trees and tall fences can create a potential hiding spot for sneaky criminals. When looking outside, the residents should be able to clearly see every section of the yard.

Install kick-proof doors
All of the exterior doors should be strong enough to withstand a powerful kick. Contrary to popular belief, wooden doors can be just as sturdy as steel doors. If the cost of a brand new door is a concern, homeowners can also install a reinforced metal strike plate on their existing door. This will help the door to resist a forceful impact.

Keep the exterior well-lit
Studies show that well-lit homes are less likely to be targeted by burglars. The bright lights will certainly help to enhance the effectiveness of a surveillance camera. Ideally, the lights should be installed near the roof of the home. Instead of leaving the exterior lights turned on for the entire night, consider using motion-activated light fixtures.

Monitor the security system
Security system monitoring services such as Alarm Relay offer around-the-clock surveillance. In the event that a burglar trips the security system, the alarm monitoring service will immediately contact the police. This helps families to rest at night with an extra degree of security. If desired, the monitoring service can also keep an eye on the home’s smoke detectors.

Never leave the windows or doors unlocked
Although locking the doors may seem like a simple concept, it is actually one of the best ways for residents to remain safe. Installing a security screen over the windows will provide even more protection.

These five strategies will definitely help to improve the safety of a home. A person's dwelling should be their personal sanctuary.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Giving Your Boat the Proper Storage

When you own a boat, you've made a substantial investment. You want to protect your valuable vessel during the off season and store it well. Choose from a full assortment of wood mount boat lifts from a reputable source like Lunmar Boat Lifts to assure your boat will be taken care of when it is out of the water. You want to have peace of mind that it will be safely stored, ready to go when it's time to send it back to the lake or ocean. With the right boat lift, you'll be in good shape.

You Need Quality and Reliability

You want a boat lift that is built to last. You also need versatility. When you turn to the right company, you'll have options. You need the boat lift that is tailored to fit your boat. Whether you need a sling model that can safely bear 3,000 pounds in weight or have a boat of considerable size that requires a cradle model geared for over 12,000 pounds, there is a boat lift that will fit the bill. Take the time to browse the selection and rest assured that the model you choose will withstand the test of time. Go with a company that chooses quality materials and stands behind their product.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas!

 Christmas brings family and friends together. 
It helps us appreciate the love in our lives we often take for granted. 
May the true meaning of the holiday season fill your heart and home with many blessings.
May love, peace, happiness and contentment be with us all and may  our wishes come true!


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Present a Professional Image at Work

The way you dress each day sends a message about your professionally – make sure that the message you are sending is the one you want. Are you choosing those pieces that will represent you and your goals most effectively? You can present a professional image every day affordably when you take advantage of tactics such as purchasing cheap dress shirts online.

Gathering the Wardrobe Essentials

As you review your options the night before, or even if you are rummaging around at the last minute, put some effort into creating outfits that are appropriate for your business setting. Of course, you’ll need to begin this process as you purchase items for your wardrobe. Putting together a business/workplace wardrobe can be more affordable with these tips:

Black Women are also Beautiful!

“Sponsored post. All opinions are mine.” I can't imagine that weekend is almost ending! And yes, it is the last weekend of the Janu...