Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines' Love meme

I got this tag from a very dear friend, Twinks. Thanks a lot Sistah for remembering me in this special day of Valentines.

I also would like to greet each and everyone a Happy Hearts Day!! Hope you have a great one for today. here is the instruction for this meme.

I am tagging these great friends of mine..
Arya-Remixmax, Carlota, Ann-Wonders of a Lifestyle, Christinchen-Soapbox and Mhar's Display...have fun and enjoy this special hearts day!!

***start copy***
1) Once you're tagged, install the corner banner at your blog as a third party html code. (The corner banner need to stay at your blog for at least 2 weeks).
2) Post about this meme,Valentine's Love.
3) Add your blog/s with link/s to the Valentine's Lovers list and leave a comment at this post HERE.
3) Tag all your special friends.
4) Please remember to update your list regularly so that you would not miss out anyone in your Valentine's Lovers list.

p/s: The wordings on this banner with automatically changed to 'Tagged with Love! xoxo' on Feb 15.

Get the code of the corner banner and the instruction on how to install it in blogger ---> HERE

Valentine's Lovers

1.A Great Pleasure 2.Time Goes By 3.Listen With Your Heart 4.Glossalicious 5. Wishing on a Falling Star 6. Mariuca's Perfume Gallery 7. Simply Shinade 8. A Simple Life 9. Mommy's Little Corner 10. Ramblings of the Phat 11. 0007 Undercover TAGMEMAWARD CAT 12. Notes by Marvic 13. Maiylah's Snippets 14. Picture Clusters 15. This is a Miracle 16. purplefrogcat 17. Also Mommy 18. Both Sides Now 19. illusionaire 20. Candles, Crafts and Whatnot 21. The Brainy Bimbo 22. Sweet Nothings 23. Turn-u-Off24. Twinkletoe Writing Space 25. Simply The Best

**end copy***

Friday, February 13, 2009

Love watching TV

My husband and I always love to watch programs in the television. This is especially true if it is his favorite soccer game. Before he goes to sleep in the evening, he spent time relaxing while watching television. There are times when he want another channel and I want to watch another channel too. First come first serve. Whoever will hold the remote first will win. If I don't win, I am just lazy to go down to our living room and watch tv. I go instead to our computer room and surf the internet. This is the reason why I found this very nice site. We only have two tvs at home.

I guess we also need to change our old ones with digital tv. The small one is not working so good anymore and we are planning to change it to flat screens. I guess Save Buckets is a good place to go. Putting into consideration about price comparison, I have seen very cheap ones at Save Buckets. Imagine for a slow as 133.00 pounds, you can already have a branded LCD TV. I can't wait to have one! Are you planning to buy one? This is a great place to go! Enjoy watching your new tvs!

Must Places To Go for Winter and Enjoy Skiing

Hi everyone! I am back!! I just remember that today is Friday the 13th. For some people today is an unlucky day. For me..I can't really tell but maybe find the same also. It is unlucky day for me because I am not feeling good the whole afternoon due to migraine. It is a lucky day because we received a good news from our mailbox. 2008 Tax refund is here. Not so much money but better as nothing...probably enough for a week vacation for two. And you know what came first to my mind....dadaaannn...a winter vacation!!..It is still winter and I believed spending sometime or somewhere for a great winter vacation is still not too late. I never experience skiing in my life. It means I don't have any skiing gadgets. I know deer valley ski rentals have a lot.

I also wish that I am in Colorado or Utah right now enjoying a winter vacation. I know this will not be possible this year anymore because I was already in the US for two months last year. If I were there this time, I should be enjoying park city ski rentals with their superb ski gadgets. Sounds exciting guys..

I am not just very sure if they deliver skiing gadgets in Europe but I know for sure that Ski Butlers delivers it right to your hotel or home in places like Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, California or British Columbia. If you need great ski gadgets, beaver creek ski rentals is always a great place to go. And talking about the must places for me to go on winter include Switzerland, Austria and these States in the US that I just mentioned. I hope my husband will agree with me. have a great evening guys!! time to relax a bit..Wait a minute, got a very nice winter photo from our garden..That was from yesterday.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Exchange Link Infos

I guess this is the time to clear-up this issue. To all blogger and friends especially to those who want to exchange links with me, I really appreciate if we can exchange links with each other because we all know that it is also for our own good.

I just have some clarifications about this matter. I really have a difficulty of managing my blogrolls now. As you know I have a lot of sites and I really don't have all the time to check one by one if you really added my sites to your blogroll. Just last month, I found out that there are some bloggers who added my links. I really appreciate it. Thank you very much for your time and effort. They requested me to add them also. I reciprocated to their request and added them too. I am taking a note now who are really adding me and what sites of mine do you want to add or just added.

What happened as I visited their sites again, all my links in their sites were gone. I know that there are some bloggers who lost their blogroll due to changing of templates. This happens sometimes as what I heard about other bloggers. But then, these bloggers who remove my links did not change their templates. They still have the same templates. I guess this is not fair...It is very unfair. Come one guys, we need to help each other and be mutual. The spirit of reciprocity should be present in the blogosphere. Without it, this blogging world will not be a better place to share our ideas, thoughts, opinions and our experiences too.

So please if you want to exchange links with me, I am really honored to do it. One last thing... I really appreciate it if you add first all my sites or any of my sites that you wish to be included in your blogroll. I would really be glad if you put it under the name of EUROANGEL PLUS SHORT BLOG TITLE MUCH BETTER so that when I visit your blogs and see my sites there, I will immediately add you one once given enough time. But please be patient if I can't add you as soon as possible. as what I have said. I will add you as soon as time permits. If ever I forgot to add you, I appreciate it again if you could remind me. for those who already added me and I forgot to add you, your reminder is really appreciated. Thank you very much..

For those who want to exchange links with me...let me know when your done adding and I will surely add you...but please be patient..
PLS. UNDER THE NAME BLOG TITLE much better..thanks so much! below are my URL and SHORT BLOG TITLES...HAPPY BLOGGING!! Simply The Best Euroangel Graffiti WWW Addict Daily Nourishment Euro Travel /Explore Germany Discover USA Blog Connections

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I am Suing a Friend?

Weekend is almost over now. I called home to greet my Father in his birthday yesterday. I tried to call home yesterday but my parents went grocery shopping. I don't have the chance to call back again yesterday but was happy and contented to know that they had a small but great party.

Talking about my title, I was suing a friend! That happened last year in July. I still could not forget that day as I knew that a friend whom you already consider your family was trying to destroy your dignity and talking false stories about you. I was truly upset about it. I already consulted our lawyer about it but finally changed my mind.

Why I changed my mind?..First reason, if I pursue the case, I knew that they don't have the money to pay to hire for a lawyer...not bad for us because we are paying lawyer insurance. Secondly, I still pity her and her family despite of what she did to me, pity to her being lack of sense and education. Being tactless and liar , I guess that she don't know what she had been talking about or probably that is really her true least I already know about it. Third reason, it served as lessons for me not to fully trust anymore and I hope a lesson for her too not to spread gossips and false stories to anybody. I guess she need to look first to herself and her family before she make false stories of other people. I know she don't need Mesothelioma lawyer because it is not about Mesothelioma case anyway. She should be thankful that I did not pursue the case, or else....will tell you next time again guys..At least I learned to what had happened!! cheers!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I would like to greet a very happy and blessed birthday to one of the greatest persons in my life, my beloved and great Father on his 72th birthday..Happy birthday my dear Papang and may the Lord God bless and keep you always. I wish you good health always and more birthdays to come..I love you Pang!! God bless us all!! Thanks a lot for everything..

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